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Cheetah intensity

Kulinda the cheetah is prowling. Not moving quickly, but intent on examining what the keepers have done to her space (she has been out for just a few minutes). She has come quite close to the window. This is a completely uncropped frame (and you know how much I love to crop!) – no room …
PositivityOct 28, 2021

Yengo Sculpture Garden

Yengo is a garden at Mt Wilson featuring sculptures by English sculptors Judith Holmes Drewry and Lloyd le Blanc.
Chris ThamOct 27, 2021

Self portrait Reflection

Captured near the Philosopher’s Walk in Kyoto, Japan.
Chris ThamOct 25, 2021

Making the mundane not

I like the idea of making a perfectly mundane object just a little different. You cannot get much more mundane than a manhole cover, and a great many of them are quite boring. Whoever designed this one decided it could be a bit distinctive without losing any of its functionality. That appeals to me. This …
PositivityOct 24, 2021

T Reflection

Captured near the Philosopher’s Walk in Kyoto, Japan.
Chris ThamOct 23, 2021

Twin Reflection

Captured at a narrow intersection in Tomonoura, Japan.
visualvoyagerOct 21, 2021

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