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Rainbow walk

This is the 90m rainbow path in Prince Alfred Park located next to Equality Green. The path commemorates the November 2017 decision to legalise same-sex marriage in Australia.
Chris ThamNov 12, 2021


Bebeah is a 5 hectare garden at Mt Wilson featuring an extensive strolling path featuring many varieties of flowering plants, and a semi formal Italianate design including a lake.
Chris ThamNov 4, 2021


The branches of these pine trees at Yengo intersect and interleave to form a lattice that reaches up to the sky.
Chris ThamNov 2, 2021

Start of a Journey

The Road goes ever on. Will you be my companion?
Chris ThamOct 31, 2021

Wild black kite – got any spare?

The wild dogs get fed, and the local black kites are ready to souvenir anything that gets missed. Yes, kites are predatory, but they are perfectly willing to scavenge. This image was shot with the Sony 135mm GM lens on a Sony A1, at f/1.8 1/10000 ISO 100. What you are looking at is a …
PositivityOct 30, 2021

Waterfall Reflection

If you look at the picture, you can see the blue sky reflected in the water amongst the leaves which are behind the waterfall.
Chris ThamOct 29, 2021


This is a selection of our favourite images taken around the world.

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