
Which path to choose? Or is it already predetermined? What lies ahead?

Iconic NSW spring

It doesn’t get as #iconic as this as a depiction of NSW #spring, #chickenwirefence, #sheep, #pond, #treelinedroad, #rapeseed (#canola), rolling #hills.

Two Birds on a Motorcycle

I saw these two #birds perched on a #motorcycle at #tanjongtokongbeach (near the #avatarsecretgarden) in the early morning just after dawn #bw

Penang Cat

i found this #cat in a #bicycle #basket on #LorongStewart #penang #malaysia. It was intensely curious about me, so I took a photo

Penang shared path

#Penang I love this photo showing a shared bike/pedestrian path along #lebuhcarnarvon with the #woman juxtaposed with a #streetart that implores you to take a snap with it